July 5- July 11, 2015
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market is steady. Quality has been very good on inbound.
California leaf market is lower on green and red. Romaine is steady. Romaine hearts remain
in short supply with elevated costs. Quality has been very good on all leaf items.
The broccoli market is lower with ample supplies. Quality has been very good.
The cauliflower market is lower. Quality has been good to very good.
The Carrot market has remained steady for next week. Quality has been very good.
The celery market is steady at lower levels with product available in multiple growing areas. Quality has been very good.
The berry market is steady. Overall, quality and sizing has been very good.
Idaho potato market has remained steady and quality has been good.
Market has been steady on onions, but pricing looks to head back up a bit in the next week or so. Quality has been very nice.
The California lemon market is very active especially on larger sizes. The orange market is steady. Quality has been good overall. Lime market is steady at lower levels. Quality has been very good.
The market has taken a jump up on cucumber due to heavy rains in New Jersey and transportation coming out of the south and Michigan has been very tight.
The green pepper market has become extremely short. Rain has New Jersey costs up. also as The South is struggling with sizing and quantity on all size peppers.
The round and plum tomato market is stronger with South Carolina finishing. Cherry and Grape tomatoes will likely follow. Quality has been good on inbound.