May 21- May 27, 2017
Market Outlook
The lettuce market is steady and a good value. We are seeing good quality on inbound. We expect a steady market and good quality for the next few weeks.
Romaine is about steady and hearts are up just slightly. Quality has been good on Romaine. Both Green leaf and Red leaf are steady and quality has been good overall.
The Broccoli market remains on the higher side with very light supplies being reported. Quality has been mostly good on inbound.
The cauliflower market is adjusting down with availability improving. Quality has been good on inbound.
The carrot market is steady for next week with good quality and sizing overall. Product is now arriving out of Mexico.
The celery market is very active and supplies are critically short. We will see historical high costs for next week. Quality out of Oxnard overall is only fair.
Market is about steady and quality continues to be very good on California product.
The Idaho potato market has moved up in price on the larger sizes with slight increases on the smaller counts as well. Overall, quality has been only fair to good.
The onion market has remained steady for next week; quality has been very nice along with good sizing.
The California lemon market is moving higher with supplies shorter than in previous weeks. Small lemons (165’s and 200’s) remain in very short supply and cost is high. We are seeing very nice quality overall. Oranges are steady and quality has been good. The Lime market is steady for next week. We are seeing good quality on inbound.
The cucumber market is steady with good quality. Product has moved up to Georgia from Florida. Quality had improved over the past few weeks.
The green pepper market has taken a jump for next week. Sizing has gotten better but quality has only been fair.
The round tomato market is much higher for next week with very light supplies. We are seeing very nice quality. Grape tomatoes are much stronger with light availability in Florida. Cherry tomatoes are higher as well. Both are showing good quality. The Roma market is stronger with lighter supplies from Mexico and Florida. We are seeing excellent quality across all tomato lines.
Recipe of the Week
Strawberry Cheesecake Poke Cake
Cooking Spray
Graham crackers
1/2 box vanilla cake mix, prepared according to package
1lb strawberries, tops removed
8oz cream cheese, softened
14oz can sweetend condensed milk
1 cup milk
8oz whipped topping
Strawberries for garnish
Preheat oven to 350F
Spray 9×9 baking dish with cooking spray
arrange graham crackers on the bottom of the dish, breaking some to fill in gaps
Pour the vanilla cake batter on the graham cracker base and bake for 25-30 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean
Using the back of a spoon poke 4 rows of 4 holes in the cake
In a large bowl mash strawberries until very fine (or use a high powered blender )
Add cream cheese and condensed milk, whisking until there are no large lumps
Add the milk, stirring until smooth
Pour the mixture over the cake and set until the cake has absorbed as much of the mixture as i can, some will stay on top, whick is ok
Spread the whipped topping evenly on top
Chill the cake for 3 hour to overnight
Slice and Serve with strawberries