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February 20th, 2025 Market Report


Lettuce markets are at the bottom. Average weights are ranging from 41-44 pounds. Quality is good. 


  • Romaine markets are steady. Warm temperatures in the desert region have led to a surplus of product. Quality is good. 
  • Romaine Heart markets are steady. Warm temperatures in the desert region have led to a surplus of product. Quality is good. 
  • Green Leaf markets are steady. Warm temperatures in the desert region have led to a surplus of product. Quality is good. 
  • Red Leaf markets are steady. Warm temperatures in the desert region have led to a surplus of product. Quality is good. 

Lettuce Tender Leaf: 

Arcadian, Spring Mix, Spinach, Cilantro, Arugula, and Italian Parsley. Markets are steady. Issues such as mildew, discoloration, and tip burn have been minimal, but continue to improve each day. Quality is fair to good. 


Markets are steady at the bottom. There is occasional yellowing or brown bead, but it is minimal. Quality is good. 


Markets continue to come down. There may be occasional bruising and some minor texture issues, but it is minimal. Quality is good. 


  • Cello markets are steady out West. Canada is winding down, costs are steady, but elevated. 
  • Loose Mexican product is steady and continue to be good quality. Canada market is getting stronger 
  • Value-add Snack Carrots are steady. Quality is good. 


Markets are steady. Quality is good. 

Strawberries & Bush Berries: Alert 

  • Strawberry markets are coming off. Post-holiday demand has eased, but some regions are still falling short of harvest projections. California is recovering from last week’s rain, while Central Mexico and Baja are now crossing steady supplies after recent delays. Florida’s production is increasing in the short term, but an approaching cold front with rain could temporarily slow output again. Quality has been good. 
  • Raspberry markets are coming off, but remain firm for product from Central Mexico and Baja. Supplies remain tight and shippers anticipate further price increases next week as limited availability continues. Quality is fair to good. 
  • Blueberries remain strong. Quality is fair to good. 
  • Blackberries markets are coming off with moderate supplies and limited demand. Shipments continue primarily from Central Mexico through McAllen and Laredo, Texas. West Coast production is expected to ramp up by mid-April, weather permitting. Quality is fair to good. 


Market remains strong for next week with continued light or delayed arrivals from South America. Quality has been good 


The Potato market is steady. Quality has been good. 


The Onion market is steady. Quality has been good. 


  • Cucumber We will have product from Honduras and Mexico near term. Offerings are light in both areas. Quality has been good on inbound. 
  • Euro Cucumbers markets are at the bottom out of Canada. Mexico markets have firmed up. Quality is fair to good. 


The green squash market is lower for next week with more fields coming on. Yellow squash remains slightly stronger. Quality has been good. 


Market is elevated but steady and the quality has been good overall. 


  • Green bell market is steady for next week. Quality on inbound has been good. 
  • Red Pepper markets are up a few dollars with tighter availability in both Florida and Mexico. Quality has been good on recent inbounds. 
  • Chile Pepper Jalapeno pepper market steady to a little stronger over last week. Quality has been sharp on recent arrivals. Long hot peppers continue to adjust down slowly. 


  • Basil: quality is fair. 


  • Orange: Peak sizes remain at 138ct/113ct, but are trending towards larger sizes. Prices are rising for smaller oranges, and as the season progresses, we expect the peak sizing to shift to 113ct/88ct. Brix levels are currently in the 13 range. Quality is good. 
  • Lemon: Markets remain steady across the board. District 3 (CA Desert/AZ) is performing well and will continue through February. Meanwhile, District 1 (San Joaquin Valley) has started off light but is expected to ramp up in the coming weeks. Quality is good. 
  • Limes: Expect to see production slow down over the next week or so with the rain and cold weather. Fortunately, adverse weather in the US is also pushing demand down. Look for pricing to remain steady this week, but we could see some increases closer to the end of the month as the next crop starts to come on. Large 110/150ct limes continue to tighten up as the new crop continues to peak on the 175/200/230ct sizes. We are in the time of year where color is not as dark as the summer months due to the cooler temps and more overcast skies. Green Cartons: Markets are steady/ strong on green cabbage from Canada and New York. Cabbage from the South remains light in volume. Quality has been sharp on inbound. 
  • Red Cartons: Markets are elevated with light supplies. Quality is good. 
  • Bagged Cabbage: Market is steady with fair to good supplies out of NY and Canada. 


Markets continue to come down as supply exceeds demand. Quality is good. 


Florida Round, Roma, Grape, and Cherry tomato markets are at the bottom. Quality is good. 


Melons: Alert 

  • Cantaloupes: Offshore melon supply remains tight, but supplies are improving and costs are drifting down. 
  • Honeydew: Offshore melon supply remains tight, but supplies are improving and costs are drifting down. 

Market Alerts: 

The items listed below are either being prorated or are in short supply. 

1.) Avocados 

2.) Tofu