April 14- April 20, 2019
Market Outlook
The Iceberg lettuce market has strengthened a few dollars for next week. Overall quality has been good this past week. We have transitioned to Huron and Salinas CA and should have our first arrivals of new area lettuce on Saturday 4/13
The romaine market is steady to up a few dollars. Romaine hearts are also higher for next week. Green and Red leaf markets are mostly steady. Quality has been good on all leaf item.
The commodity broccoli market is much lower and a great value. Overall, Quality has been looking very good.
The cauliflower market is steady for next week. Quality has been good on inbound.
The carrot market is steady and remains a good value for next week. Good quality Canada product in stock.
The Celery market remains very strong in California and costs remain extremely high for next week. We are seeing good quality, but availability is poor. We are being heavily prorated.
Processed celery will run short.
The market is off slightly with availability beginning to improve in California. Quality has been fair to good.
The market on Idaho potatoes remains strong across all sizes with the larger potatoes especially strong. Quality has been good to very good on inbound. The Norkotah variety will be ending this week with Burbank’s carrying us through the summer until new crop in August.
The Western onion market remains high on yellows and reds. Storage product is winding down and new crop is light in supply. Quality on onions has been good to very good.
The California lemon market continues to strengthen across all sizes, but especially on small sizes. Quality has been good overall. We are seeing good quality over all on navel oranges and that market is steady. The Lime market has declined slightly for next week with supplies remaining light overall. We are seeing fair to good quality on inbound.
The market is lower for next week. We are seeing Florida, Honduras and Mexico product Quality has ranged from fair to very good.
The green pepper market remains strong with light availability for next week. Quality has been fair to good.
The round tomato market is up a few dollars on small fruit with light supplies in Florida. Mexico also crossing light volume. Quality has been good overall. Grape tomatoes and cherries are steady. Both are showing good quality. The Roma market is steady with light supplies crossing from Mexico. Availability in Florida also remains light.
Recipe of the Week
Parmesan Roasted Potatoes
4 cups cubed Yukon Gold potatoes
3 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp pepper
4 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.
Place the cubed potatoes into a baking dish. (The cubes of potatoes should be about 3/4 of an inch on all sides) You can spray the baking dish with a baking spray too to eliminate anything possibly sticking
Pile on the olive oil, garlic salt, salt, paprika, pepper and Parmesan cheese. Using your fingers, or a spoon if you feel inclined, get in to the potatoes and carefully mix everything around until the seasonings coat each potato.
Transfer the baking dish into the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and toss the potatoes with a pair of tongs. Put the baking dish back into the oven and bake for 10 minutes more. Remove the baking sheet and give them another toss and place them back in the oven and roast until they are golden and crispy.
Season with an little dusting of sea salt and extra parmesan cheese and serve.