April 9- April 15, 2017
Market Outlook
The lettuce market much higher supplies very short. We are seeing a wide range in quality and weight from fair to good. Shippers holding to averages and pro-rating.
Romaine and romaine heart markets are active and stronger again with critically short supplies. Costs will be at historically high levels. Quality has been mostly good on Romaine with some minor fringe burn. Green leaf is much higher along with red leaf. Quality has been good overall. Shippers holding to averages and pro-rating.
The broccoli market is rebounding and very active, especially on crowns. Shippers are holding to averages and pro-rating on processed and commodity. Quality has been mostly good on inbound.
The cauliflower market is strong and availability is spotty. Shippers holding to averages/ pro-rating on both commodity and processed. Quality has been good overall.
The carrot market has moved up with lighter supplies from Canada. Overall, quality remains very good.
The celery market is active and costs are up again for next week. We are seeing good quality on inbound.
We are done with Florida at this point and have our first of the California spring crop in stock. First arrivals have been only fair in quality.
The Idaho potato market is active again for next week. All sizes are on the tight side. Quality is good overall.
The onion market remains depressed with good quality. The market is expected to turn up in coming weeks with the Idaho/ Oregon storage crop winding down.
The California lemon market is higher overall. Small lemons (165’s and 200’s) remain in very short supply and cost is very high. We are seeing very nice quality. Navel orange availability is fair and the market is up slightly. The Lime market is lower for next week. We are seeing good quality on inbound.
The cucumber market is steady for next week. Quality is good overall.
The green pepper market has been steady for next week with good volume and quality.
The round tomato market is up slightly for next week. Overall, supplies and demand are light. We are seeing excellent quality. Grape and cherry tomatoes are steady. Both are showing good quality. The Roma market is moving up with lighter supplies from Mexico and Florida. We are seeing excellent quality across all tomato lines.
Recipe of the Week
Pineapple Kick
2 cups fresh pineapple chunks
1/2 small jalapeno pepper, seeds removed
1/2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 lime, peeled, cut in half
1 medium naval orange, peeled, cut in quarters
1/2 cup ice
Place all ingredients in blender, blend until smooth!