August 10th – August 16th, 2014
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market is steady to stronger depending on shipper. Quality has been good overall.
California romaine market is unsettled with a wide range on both cost and quality. Green and Red leaf are higher. Quality has been ok with most products showing tip burn. Growers are reporting quality issues at shipping point (mildew, tip/fringe burn).
Broccoli market is re bounding and feels much stronger. Sustained warm nights are leading to some quality issues in the field resulting in lower yields. Quality has been good on arrival.
The cauliflower market is following broccoli up. Quality has been good.
Carrot market is winding down in Mexico, with quality being reported as fair to good. We will be switching to Michigan in about two weeks. Cost will likely move up in weeks to come.
The Celery market is steady to lower depending on shipper. Quality has been good overall.
Strawberry market is steady. Overall quality has been good. We are seeing some minor bruising and the occasional moldy berry on inbound.
Shippers have finished packing old crop Burbank’s this week. We will be moving into Norkatahs in the coming weeks.
The market has remained pretty steady on onions this week. New crop Spanish out of Oregon/Idaho should begin in about two weeks.
The Lemon market continues to remain very strong and supplies are very limited, especially on 140’s and larger. We should see some relief beginning sometime next week as we see more Chilean arrivals along with Mexico getting underway. Orange market is steady overall. Quality has been good. Lime market is steady to lower.
The Cucumber market is steady with product available in multiple growing areas. Quality has been good.
Pepper market has remained steady with very nice quality.
Tomato market is stronger on rounds and cherries. Small round tomatoes are scarce. Virginia is struggling with just a fair crop. Overall, quality has been good.
Feature of the Week
This week Primo is featuring green beans. Look for bright pods that are firm and plump but not bulging with beans. The ends should be stiff and the pod should break cleanly when snapped.
Storing and Using Keep them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to a week. Green beans lend themselves to speedy, savory dishes like a stir-fry or a quick-braised side.
Recipe of the Week
Fried Green Beans
Peanut oil, for frying
1 cup beer
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons salt, plus more for seasoning
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, plus more for seasoning
1 pound green beans, ends trimmed
Preheat oil to 375 degrees F.
Whisk the beer, flour, salt and pepper until smooth.
Dip green beans into batter to coat, letting excess drip off. Fry in the peanut oil in batches, until they are golden and crisp. Remove from oil with a spider strainer to a paper towel lined sheet tray. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Fun Facts of the Week
- Bean pods can be green, yellow, purple, or speckled with red
- Green beans are picked before the seeds are mature and the shell becomes hard and brittle
- Green beans taste best when they are thinner than a pencil
- Green beans will continue to cook after you remove them from boiling water – be sure to take them out before they are done or soak them in cold water after cooking