August 17- August 23, 2014
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market is stronger as shippers are harvesting below budget. Demand is active. Quality has been good overall.
California romaine market is stronger with a wide range on both cost and quality. Green and Red leaf are higher and shippers are selling out daily. Quality has been fair to good with romaine showing fringe/tip burn.
Broccoli market is much stronger. Shippers are pro-rating and holding to averages. Quality has been good on arrival.
The cauliflower market is following broccoli up. Quality has been good.
Carrot market will be up with Michigan product hitting sometime next week, Canadian product is available but carrots are very small and thin. We will make the switch next week to Michigan.
The Celery market is steady. Quality has been good overall.
Strawberry market is steady to higher. Quality has been only fair. We are seeing some minor to extensive bruising and the occasional moldy berry on inbound.
Old crop Burbanks have finished at shipping point. We will be receiving all New crop Norkotahs. Quality on the new crop has been very nice.
The market has remained pretty steady on onions this week. New crop Spanish out of Oregon/Idaho has begun to ship this week, onions are looking very nice.
The Lemon market continues to remain very strong and supplies are very limited, especially on 140’s and larger. We should see some relief in the weeks to come as we see more Chilean arrivals along with Mexico getting underway. Orange market is steady overall. Quality has been good. Lime market is steady to a little higher with good arrivals.
The Cucumber market is mostly steady with product available in multiple growing areas. Quality has been good.
Pepper market has remained steady with very nice quality out of New Jersey.
Tomato market is stronger on rounds and cherries. Small round tomatoes are scarce. Virginia is struggling with just a fair crop. Overall, quality has been good.
Feature of the Week
This week Primo is featuring tomatillos. Tomatillos look like small green tomatoes but are actually related to the Cape gooseberry. Their papery husks should be removed before eating. You may know these tart, refreshing fruits, a staple in Latin cuisine, from their starring role as the main ingredient in salsa verde.
Recipe of the Week
Simple Tomatillo Salsa
2 garlic cloves, peeled 1 pound (about 16) tomatillos, husked ½ medium white onion 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded & chopped (use less for a more mild salsa) 1 ½ Tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 Tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro Salt & pepper, optional
1.Wash the tomatillos until no longer sticky. Roughly chop them.
2.Add tomatillos, onion, jalapeno & lime juice to a blender or food processor and pulse until fairly smooth.
3.Stir in the cilantro, season with salt & pepper if desired.
4.Store covered in the refrigerator. Serve at room temperature.
Fun Facts of the Week
- The Aztecs first grew tomatillos as far back as 800 B.C. and they have been popular in Mexico and other Latin American countries for many years.
- Tomatillos is pronounced “Tom-a-TEE-yo” and means “little tomato” in Spanish.
- Tomatillos are round fruits that are covered in a papery husk. They look like hanging lanterns while growing.