December 28- January 3, 2015
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market is steady at lower levels and supplies are above budget. The weather in Yuma is very warm and is bringing supplies forward. Growers are warning of a possible gap in supplies in January. Quality has been good.
California leaf market is steady. We are seeing good quality on inbound.
Broccoli market is steady with holiday pull over. Quality is very good out of Yuma.
The cauliflower market is lower, but availability is spotty with retail based shippers Quality has been good.
Carrot market is up a few dollars. Availability is winding down out of Canada. Quality has been good.
The celery market has come off with holiday orders and ads behind us. Quality has been very good. Yuma should begin mid January.
Strawberry market has started to loosen up a bit, will be a little snug for next week with the holiday but quality has gotten better and should be in full swing for the start of the new year.
Market is steady. Quality is very good. Trucks will remain very tight until after the New Year. Rail has started to get a little better but still on the snug side with a week or so lead time.
The market is steady going into next week. Product is plentiful and quality has been very nice. Truck freight out of Oregon/Idaho has been extremely difficult.
The California lemon market is steady along with the Navel market. The quality is very good. Lime market is steady out of Mexico. Quality has been good overall.
Cucumbers have loosened up for next week with much better weather in Florida this week.
The Green pepper market is expected to come off with better weather and warmer temperatures in Florida. Red pepper availability is also improving in California and the market is adjusting down.
The round tomato market is steady on large fruit, and lower on smaller fruit. Grapes and cherries are lower and romas are steady to lower.
The offshore melon deal is off to a slow start and availability is limited keeping markets strong.
Look for California grapes to wind down over the next week or two. We will then move to offshore product.
Recipe of the Week
Smoked Mackerel and Horseradish Pâté
1 or 2 whole fillets
hot-smoked mackerel
2lbs piece horseradish
1 tbsp creamed
4tbs unsalted butter,
6oz crème fraîche
or soured cream
Juice of 1 lemon
French bread slices, toasted (optional), to serve
½ cucumber, sliced, to garnish (optional)
1. Peel and flake the mackerel, being careful to remove any bones if you are using the whole fish. Peel and finely grate the horseradish. If you are new to this job, do it by an open window. It’s strong stuff.
2. The best tool for this pâté is a food processor but you could also mash it with a fork. Blitz or mash the fish, horseradish, butter, crème fraîche and lemon juice to a rough paste.
3. Allow the mix to cool and ‘set’ in the fridge for an hour or so before serving on buttered toast or bread.
4. The best garnish for this pâté is cucumber, without doubt – I’ve used fresh, but you could also try pickled cucumber.
Fun Facts of the Week
- Horseradish is still planted and harvested mostly by hand?
- Sales of bottled horseradish began in 1860, making it one of the first convenience foods?
- In the American South, horseradish was rubbed on the forehead to relieve headaches?
- Horseradish is added to some pickles to add firmness and “nip”.
- Before being named “horseradish,” the plant was known as “redcole” in England and as “stingnose” in some parts of the U.S.?