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February 28th, 2025 Market Report


Lettuce markets are at the bottom. Average weights are ranging from 42-45 pounds. Quality is good. 


  • Romaine markets are at the bottom. Minimal reports of fringe and tip burn. Quality is good. 
  • Romaine Heart markets are at the bottom. Minimal reports of fringe and tip burn. Quality is good. 
  • Green Leaf markets are at the bottom. Minimal reports of fringe and tip burn. Quality is good. 
  • Red Leaf markets are at the bottom. Minimal reports of fringe and tip burn. Quality is good. 

Lettuce Tender Leaf: 

Arcadian, Spring Mix, Spinach, Cilantro, Arugula, and Italian Parsley. Markets are steady. Issues such as mildew, discoloration, and tip burn have been minimal, but continue to improve each day. Quality is fair to good. 


Markets are steady at the bottom. There is occasional yellowing or brown bead, but it is minimal. Quality is good. 


Markets continues to come down. There may be occasional bruising and some minor texture issues, but it is minimal. Quality is good. 


  • Cello markets are steady out West. Canada is winding down, costs are steady, but elevated. 
  • Loose Mexican product is steady and continue to be good quality. Canada market is steady 
  • Value-add Snack Carrots are steady. Quality is good. 


Markets are steady. Quality is good. 

Strawberries & Bush Berries: 

  • Strawberry markets are coming off. California is recovering from last week’s rain, while Central Mexico and Baja are now crossing steady supplies after recent delays. Quality has been good. 
  • Raspberry markets are steady, but still remain limited. Product is being sourced from Central Mexico and Baja, with Central California expected to have product ready in 4 to 6 weeks, depending on weather conditions. Quality is good. 
  • Blueberries will remain elevated. Quality is fair to good. 
  • Blackberries markets are steady. Quality is good. 


Market is steady. Quality has been good 


The Potato market is steady. Quality has been good. 


The Onion market is steady. Quality has been good. 


  • Cucumber is getting stronger as Mexico is raising their FOB’s and they have the volume to back it. Quality has been good on inbound. 
  • Euro Cucumbers markets are at the bottom out of Canada. Mexico markets are coming down. Quality is fair to good. 


Green/yellow market is steady with yellow creeping up just a bit. Quality has been good. 


Market is elevated but will remain steady and the quality has been good overall. 


  • Green bell market is steady for next week. Quality on inbound has been good. 
  • Red Pepper markets are coming off. Quality is good. 
  • Chile Pepper Jalapeno pepper market steady to a little stronger over last week. Quality has been sharp on recent arrivals. Long hot peppers continue to adjust down slowly. 


  • Basil: quality is fair. 


  • Orange: markets are steady. Peak sizes have shifted to 72ct and 88ct, with markets slightly stronger on 113ct and 138ct as fruit sizes increase as expected. Brix levels are around 13. Valencia oranges are expected to arrive by late May or early June. Quality is good. 
  • Lemon: Markets have come down near the bottom. District 3 (CA Desert/AZ) has finished, while District 1 (San Joaquin Valley) is the primary region, steadily increasing volume each week. Quality is good. 
  • Limes: 110/150cts continue to tighten up as the new crop limes are peaking on the 175/200/230ct sizes. While the last couple of weeks have been steady pricing, we are starting to see an increase in demand without an increase in supply. Price has started to move up as the weather starts to warm across the US as well. March and April are typically some of the highest lime markets of the year due to it being during the smallest crop seasons of the year in terms of volume. Currently we are seeing some light color, some yellowing and some skin breakdown on inbound limes due to recent rains in Veracruz. Green Cartons: Markets are steady. Cabbage from the South is picking up. Quality has been sharp on inbound. 
  • Red Cartons: Markets are steady with lighter supplies. Quality is good. 
  • Bagged Cabbage: Market is steady with fair to good supplies out of NY. 


Markets are soft but steady. Quality is good. 


Florida Round, Roma, Grape, and Cherry tomato markets are at the bottom. Quality is good. 



  • Cantaloupes: Offshore melon supply remains tight, but supplies are improving and costs are drifting down. Quality is fair to good. 
  • Honeydew: Offshore melon supply remains tight, but supplies are improving and costs are drifting down. Quality is fair to good. 

Market Alerts: 

The items listed below are either being prorated or are in short supply. 

No items are being prorated at this time