January 31st – February 6th, 2021
Lettuce markets are steady. Cold weather in the Yuma region has caused for a few defects. Outer leaf damage due to colder temps as well as discoloration and misshapen heads. The weights are averaging 40-46 pounds. Quality is fair to good.
The Leaf markets are steady overall. Cool weather in the Yuma region has caused some blister and peel as well as fringe burn is seen on the outer leaves. Quality is fair to good.
Broccoli markets are steady with plenty of supplies. Quality is good.
Cauliflower markets are steady with plenty of supplies. Quality is good.
Carrot markets for Cello and Loose are steady. Quality is good on recent inbounds. Snack packs are very short. We will have a small amount of snack carrots starting next week.
Celery market is still coming off slowly. Demand has fallen off with this commodity due to high pricing these past weeks. Supplies are better. Value added products will still be on the light side of availability due to the shortage of long stock celery, used in the processing end. Availability will be moderate to light at best. Large sizing, twenty-four counts in particular will be tight all week.
Strawberry markets saw a tiny bit of relief this week but cooler weather is expected to slow harvest again
Potato market has been steady, trucks have started to tighten up which may cause prices to rise soon. Quality has been good.
Onion market is holding steady out west. Eastern onions are coming to an end. Quality has been good.
Orange markets are up due to recent rain in the growing regions putting suppliers in a tight position on inventory. Lemon and Lime markets are all steady with good supplies. Overall quality has been good.
Cucumber market is remaining steady with moderate inbound volumes. Quality has been good.
Green peppers are still in high in demand with smaller sizes in light numbers (large, medium, choice, suntan). Quality has been good. Red, Yellow, and Orange peppers remain tight with some relief on the horizon.
Mexico round and roma imports continue to increase sending the market lower, and quality is good. Florida is also coming into better volume but weather in the east has slowed harvest and picking schedules. New crops in both regions have shifted the size profile towards the larger end of the spectrum. Grape and cherry tomatoes are still behind schedule due to a cold snap weeks ago. Supply remains limited and will gradually improve near the beginning of February.
Pineapple Salsa
Ingredients: •2 cups diced fresh pineapple •1 cup diced red pepper •1/2 cup chopped cilantro •1/4 cup finely chopped red onion •3 tablespoons finely chopped jalapeno pepper, stemmed and seeded •1 clove garlic, minced •Juice of 1 large lime •Salt, to taste
Directions: •In a medium bowl, combine pineapple, red pepper, cilantro, red onion, jalapeno, garlic, and lime juice. Stir until well combined. Season with salt, to taste. Serve at room temperature or chilled with tortilla chips.