January 7- January 13, 2018
Market Outlook
The lettuce market is up slightly for next week. Quality has been very good on inbound.
Romaine and Romaine Hearts are up a few dollars. Quality has been mostly good on all Romaine items. Green leaf is stronger as well and Red leaf is about steady. Quality has been good on leaf overall.
The commodity broccoli market is stronger again with very light supplies. Quality has been good on inbound.
The cauliflower is remains strong with lighter supplies. Quality has been good on inbound.
The carrot market has taken a jump as supplies in Canada have tightened. Sizing and quality have been very good.
The celery market is about steady with good quality out of Oxnard California.
Market is extremely active due to cold weather and very light availability in Florida.
The market is up again for next week; Idaho market has and will remain high moving into next week with truck supplies extremely short
The Western onion market has remained active moving into the new year, along with very tight trucks coming into the northeast.
The California lemon market is strong as demand exceeds supply. We are seeing good quality over all on navel oranges with small fruit very tight. The Lime market is steady for next week. Overall, we are seeing fair to good quality on inbound.
The cucumber market is strong with cold temperatures across the South holding supplies back. Quality has been fair to good.
The green pepper market has moved up due to cold weather issues. Quality has been good.
The round tomato market remains high, but is adjusting down as Florida growers move into better supplies. We are seeing good quality. The grape tomato market is steady but high with good quality. Cherry tomatoes are strong and very short, but showing good quality. The Roma market is strong out of Mexico. Demand is high and quality remains good. Romas supply improving in Florida.
Recipe of the Week
Roasted Brussel Sprouts
1 1/2 pounds Brussels sprouts
3 tablespoons good olive oil
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Cut off the brown ends of the Brussels sprouts and pull off any yellow outer leaves. Mix them in a bowl with the olive oil, salt and pepper. Pour them on a sheet pan and roast for 35 to 40 minutes, until crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. Shake the pan from time to time to brown the sprouts evenly. Sprinkle with more kosher salt ( I like these salty like French fries), and serve immediately.