June 10 – June 16, 2018
Market Outlook
The lettuce market costs are steady. Freight rates are high. Salinas quality has been mostly good on inbound.
Romaine and romaine heart market is pretty steady. Demand is better. Freight costs are high. Quality has been mostly good on all Romaine items. Green leaf and Red leaf are both steady. Quality has been good on leaf overall.
The commodity broccoli market remains strong but is expected to decline. Quality has been looking good.
The cauliflower market is lower for next week. Quality has been good on inbound.
The carrot market is steady with nice product in stock and looking sharp.
Celery costs are higher on Western product. We are seeing good quality.
Market is steady to a few dollars stronger with pretty good supplies on California fruit. Quality has been fair to good on our inbounds.
The market on Idaho potatoes is a little stronger from last week. Freight rates are also higher. Quality remains good.
The Western onion market is moving up, mainly due to higher freight costs. Quality on onions has been good to very good.
The California lemon market is steady and high for next week and quality has been very nice. We are seeing good quality over all on oranges and the market remains active with supplies very short especially on small fruit. Navels are about done and Valencia crop underway. The Lime market is steady for next week. Freight rates remain very high. Overall, we are seeing
good quality on inbound.
The market is a little lower for next week. We are seeing mostly good quality on Florida product.
The green pepper market is lower, but still on the strong side. Quality has been good overall.
The round tomato market is steady with Florida light on supply. South Carolina started harvest in a light way. Freight rates are very high and keeping overall costs up. We are seeing fair to good quality. The grape tomato market is steady and strong and showing good quality. Cherry tomatoes are just slightly higher and showing good quality. The Roma market is stronger with fair availability in both Florida and Mexico.
Recipe of the Week
Summer Cucumber Salad
2 medium cucumbers
1 medium onion
1 large tomato
1 1/2 Cup Italian dressing
Dice cucumber, onion and tomato.
In large bowl mix together onion, tomato and cucumbers with italian dressing. Stir unil coated