June 29 – July 5 2014
The Iceberg market is higher. Demand exceeds supply. Quality has been good overall. We are seeing occasional tip burn and some lighter weight product.
Romaine market is stronger, Green and Red leaf are steady to higher depending on shipper. Quality has been good overall. We are seeing occasional minor tip/fringe burn on inbound.
Broccoli market is steady to higher with good quality out of Salinas.
The cauliflower market is up a few dollars again from last week. Quality has been good.
Carrot market is steady for next week. We are still sourcing product out of Mexico.
The Celery market is higher. Oxnard has finished. All production is out of Salinas. Quality has been good overall.
Strawberry market is steady to higher. We are seeing some minor bruising and the occasional moldy berry on inbound.
Market has come off a bit more on counts for next week, however trucks have remained very tight and rates are up. #2 cartons have remained steady and still in short supply.
The market has stayed steady going into next week, product coming out of New Mexico is looking very nice.
The Lemon market is much stronger and supplies are very limited. California is struggling to meet demand and the Chilean season is off to a very slow start. Orange market is steady overall. Quality has been good. Lime market is at seasonally normal levels.
The Cucumber market has gotten tighter and price is up a bit on new crop New Jersey and out of the Carolinas. Quality has been ok to good.
Pepper market is still coming off on peppers and quality and size have been improving.
Round and Roma tomato market is active. Demand exceeds supply. New crop tomatoes are taking longer to ripen and there is a shortage of color. Grapes and cherries are steady to lower. Plum tomatoes are steady. Overall, quality has been good.
Red peppers are coming up short and we will see much higher prices continue into next week.
Red pepper market is up sharply as shippers struggle to meet increased demand now that Mexico is about finished.