March 10- March 16, 2019
Market Outlook
The Iceberg lettuce market remains high in cost and product is very short. Overall quality has been good this past week, but we are still being cautioned to expect some minor quality defects, including blister and epidermal peel.
The Romaine market is steady. Romaine hearts are stronger. Quality has been good. The Green and red leaf markets are steady to slightly lower for next week. Quality has been good on leaf overall. We are told to expect some minor quality defects in the coming weeks.
The commodity broccoli market has declined a few dollars in California. Overall, availability remains light. Quality has been looking very good.
The cauliflower market remains very short and costs remain high. Quality has been good on inbound.
The carrot market is steady and a good value for next week. Good quality Canada product in stock.
The Celery market remains very strong in California and costs are very high for next week. We are seeing good quality.
The market is steady overall. Quality has been good on recent inbounds.
The market on Idaho potatoes has strengthened across all sizes. Quality has been good to very good on inbound.
The Western onion market is steady on yellows and reds. Quality on onions has been good to very good.
The California lemon market is steady with good availability. Quality has been good overall. We are seeing good quality over all on navel oranges and that market is steady to lower. The Lime market is slightly higher for next week with supplies light overall. We are seeing fair to good quality on inbound.
The market is higher for next week. We are seeing Florida, Honduras and Mexico product Quality has ranged from fair to very good.
The green pepper market is much higher for next week. Lighter supplies in both Mexico and Florida. Quality has been fair to good.
The round tomato market will be much higher with light supplies in Florida. Mexico also crossing lighter volume and costs are up. Quality has been good overall. Grape tomatoes and cherries are steady. Both are showing good quality. The Roma market is higher with much lighter supplies crossing from Mexico. Availability in Florida also remains light.
Recipe of the Week
Green Bean Salad with Suntan Peppers
Serves 4-6
1 lb. green beans, trimmed
1 suntan bell pepper
1 tsp. balsamic vinegar
3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp. garlic, minced
salt and pepper
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add beans to water. Boil until beans are just cooked; about 2-3 minutes. Drain and put in ice water or run under cold water until beans are cool. Drain and pat dry. Place in a bowl. Heat oil in a sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add peppers and garlic. Cook for three minutes. Pull pan away from stove and add balsamic. Cook another 30 seconds. Add to bowl with beans. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Chill before serving.