May 19 – 25, 2013
Market Outlook
Supplies remain plentiful, with quality very good overall.
Romaine/leaf market is plentiful and very reasonable in cost.
Broccoli availability is very good along with quality. Market is up a few dollars.
Cauliflower market has rebounded just a bit. Quality has been very good.
Market has remained steady out of Georgia with good quality. No changes
Market remains very active at elevated levels with shippers reporting seeders.
We are having good arrivals on California fruit. Market is up a few dollars.
Idaho market is showing signs of strengthening and is expected to continue to get stronger for the next few weeks minimally.
Onion market on new crop onions has gone up this week and the upward trend is expected to continue for the next couple of weeks.
Market is steady to up slightly again on Oranges and lemons are definitely much stronger. Quality has been good on both lemons and oranges. Navels are winding down and Valencias are underway.
The market on cucumbers is stronger, with super selects commanding a premium.
Market is stronger on peppers. Quality has been good overall.
Tomato market is stronger on rounds, with larger sizes in short supply. Romas, cherries and grapes are steady.
Red pepper market is active, with costs much higher as Mexico is crossing less product and domestic product is just starting.
Green grapes are very high in cost and will remain at elevated levels until new crop starts in a 3-4 weeks
Feature of the Week
This week Primo is featuring pineapples! Pineapples have exceptional juiciness and a vibrant tropical flavor that balances the tastes of sweet and tart. They are second only to bananas as America’s favorite tropical fruit. Pineapples are a composite of many flowers whose individual fruitlets fuse together around a central core. Each fruitlet can be identified by an “eye,” the rough spiny marking on the pineapple’s surface. Pineapples have a wide cylindrical shape, a scaly green, brown or yellow skin and a regal crown of spiny, blue-green leaves and fibrous yellow flesh. The area closer to the base of the fruit has more sugar content and therefore a sweeter taste and more tender texture.
Recipe of the Week
Fresh Pineapple Sorbet
1 large pineapple
2 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Cut pineapple into large chunks
Put all ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth
If you have an ice cream freezer…
Freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions
Serve as soft serve, or place in your freezer to harden farther
If you do not have an ice cream freezer…
Put the mixture in a bowl in the freezer for 3 hours to partially freeze
Take out of the freezer and stir thoroughly (breaking up the ice crystals) about every 1-2 hours until too difficult to stir
Store in an airtight container in the freezer.
Fun Facts of the Week
- Pineapple is not, strictly speaking, a fruit. Rather it is 100-200 fruitlets all fused together!
- You can grow a pineapple plant by twisting the crown off a store bought pineapple, allowing it to dry for 2-3 days, and then planting it!
- Pineapples spread around the world so thoroughly because they were kept on board ships to ward of scurvy in sailors!