October 12-October 18, 2014
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market is inching up. Supplies are still on the lighter side. Quality is fair due to above average heat. We are also starting to reach the end of the growing season in Salinas which is impacting quality.
California leaf market is steady. We are seeing a wide range on quality. Quality has been fair to good with romaine showing fringe/tip burn and occasional mildew.
Broccoli market is showing signs of strengthening. Unfortunately, the heat is affecting quality. Quality is poor and we are experiencing diminished shelf life across all packs. Hollow cores, pin rot and yellowing are the prevalent quality defects.
The cauliflower market followed broccoli lower and has now stabilized. Some shippers are calling cauliflower to start to slowly rise again. Quality has been good.
Carrot market has remained steady for this week with good product coming out of Canada.
The celery market is steady to up a little depending on shipper. Quality has been good overall.
Strawberry market remains very tight. Shippers have only a small amount of fruit that they are able to ship and make good delivery. Some shippers are not willing to risk sending fruit to the East coast and are declining orders. Quality has been only fair, and we are seeing some minor to extensive bruising and the occasional moldy berry on inbound.
Market is up on potatoes. Product has been very nice looking. Burbanks are starting to become available.
The market is mostly steady.
We are seeing signs that the lemon market is coming off. Chile has finished, and the last arrivals were really poor quality. We are seeing product loosen up slightly and there seems to be better availability from Mexico and to a lesser extent California. Orange market is steady overall; small fruit continues to be in limited supplies. Quality has been only fair on the California oranges. Lime market is steady with good arrivals.
The south is in full production on cucumbers, producing very nice quality. Markets are similar to last week.
Peppers are now finished up in New Jersey, the south has been increasing in supplies and looks to be in full swing next week.
Tomato market on rounds is steady. Overall, quality has been good. Roma market is steady at higher levels. Grapes and cherries are moving upward.
Feature of the Week
With Halloween right around the corner be ready for all the holiday parties!
This week Primo is featuring scary delicious treats. Thrill and chill your guests with healthy choices, like veggie skeletons, frozen yogurt “Boo-nanas”, and toothy apple smiles! Arrange orange wedges and blueberries to make a jack-o-lantern fruit bowl. Carve out a monster mouth on a water melon and have mixed cut fruits spilling out for a creepy display! A great time to make food fun.
Recipe of the Week
Easy Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 (15 ounce) can garbanzo beans, drained
1/3 cup tahini
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup roasted red peppers
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
In an electric food processor, combine garlic, garbanzo beans, tahini, and lemon juice. Process until the mixture is smooth. Add roasted peppers and basil; process until the peppers are finely chopped. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer hummus to small bowl, cover and chill until you are ready to serve.