October 16-October 22, 2016
Market Outlook
The lettuce market is about steady from last week. Feeling that it may move up slightly. We continue to see good quality on inbound.
Romaine is about steady along with romaine hearts. Green leaf and red leaf markets are steady. We are seeing mostly good quality on inbound.
The broccoli market is moving up. Quality has been good on inbound.
The cauliflower market has really rebounded and is up $4-5. Quality has been very good.
The carrot market is steady with good quality out of Canada.
The celery market is about steady on California product. We are seeing good quality on inbound.
Markets are steady to higher depending on shipper and growing area. Quality has been improving and berries are looking pretty good. Some shippers starting new area Oxnard.
The Idaho potato market continues to rise as new crop has started and supply has tightened up a bit this week.
The onion market is up slightly. We will watch closely as several storms are pushing thru onion country this weekend.
The California lemon market remains very strong, with supplies very short. Sunkist is struggling to fill orders. Quality on the fruit has been good to very good on choice and fancy grades. We have good quality Mexican fruit available, with steady costs. California oranges are in pretty good supply on large sizes, but small fruit is tight. Quality on choice fruit is starting to fade as the Valencia season winds down. The Lime market is easing. We are seeing fair to good quality on inbound.
The cucumber market is weak going into next week with Georgia product readily available.
The green pepper market has also softened some with new crop out of the South. Peppers have started out on the larger side. Medium size are scarce and will be a challenge over the next two weeks.
The round tomato market is higher with limited availability. There are very few quality tomatoes available in the East. Grapes and cherries are steady moving higher with regional deals slowing and not enough volume out of Florida and Georgia. The Roma market is active with supplies in the East about done until Florida ramps up, and California unable to meet demand.
Recipe of the Week
S’mores Apples
6 Granny Smith apples
2 tbsp. unsalted butter
1 bag Large Marshmallows
10 oz. milk chocolate chips
2 c. crushed graham crackers
vRemove stems and skewer apples In a saucepan over low heat, melt butter. Add marshmallows, and stir until melted.
vDip apples, one at a time, then transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Refrigerate until set, about 15 minutes.
vThen, in a double boiler over low heat, melt chocolate chips, stirring continuously. Dip an apple into the chocolate, stopping two-thirds of the way up. Immediately dip the lower third of the apple into a bowl of crushed graham crackers, rotating to coat evenly.
vTransfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Repeat for all apples and refrigerate until set, about 15 minutes.