October 29- November 4, 2017
Market Outlook
The lettuce market continues adjusting down. Huron has started and should go for 3-4 weeks before we move on to Yuma. Quality has been fair to good on inbound.
Romaine and Romaine hearts are adjusting down as well. Quality has been mostly good on all Romaine items this week. Green leaf and Red leaf are about steady. Quality has been good on leaf overall.
The commodity broccoli market has leveled off and is steady. Broccoli florets are a little short, but supply is improving. Quality has been fair to good on inbound.
The cauliflower market has turned around and is moving back up. Quality has been good on inbound.
The carrot market is steady for next week, with good volume and quality coming out of Canada.
The celery market has moved up a few dollars with good quality out of California. The season on Canadian celery has finished.
Market remains steady, but on the stronger side with limited supplies of good quality fruit. Overall, quality is only fair to good. We are seeing some minor bruising and an occasional soft berry.
The Idaho market continues to move upward. Harvest is about complete for the season, with all potatoes now going into storage. We are hoping to see the market level off in the coming weeks.
The Western onion market has stayed strong for next week. Quality remains very good.
The California lemon market is adjusting down with more areas producing and better supplies coming on. We are seeing good quality overall. We also have some good quality Mexican product in stock. The Mexican supply is tightening as that deal winds to a close in 1-2 weeks. California navels began shipping in light volume. We will have limited supplies for 1-2 weeks and then should be in much better shape. The Lime market remains steady for next week. Overall, we are seeing fair to good quality on inbound.
The cucumber market is stronger as we move into next week. Cooler weather in the South is affecting supplies. Overall, quality has been good.
The green pepper market will also be very active moving into next week. Quality has been good.
The round tomato is steady, but with very light supply on both the East and West coasts. California is about done, and we expect the market will move up. We are seeing fair to good quality. The grape tomato market is much stronger with good quality. Cherry tomatoes are steady, but strong and showing good quality. The Roma market is steady with supplies improving in Mexico. Demand is high and quality remains good.
Most all vegetable and lettuce items from the West of fair to good quality. This is really affecting the processors as they are churning through acreage trying to meet demand. We will see overall quality slip in the value-added salad and leaf items. Shippers will be holding to averages and pro-rating when short.
Recipe of the Week
Fall Acorn Squash
2 Acorn Squash, cut in half, seeded
2 Tbsp butter
4tsp brown sugar
1 Cup mini marshmellows
Heat oven to 375°F.
Place squash halves in microwaveable dish; cover with waxed paper. Microwave on HIGH 12 to 14 min. or until tender, turning after 7 min. Let stand, covered, 5 min.
Scoop squash from shells into medium bowl, leaving 1/4-inch-thick shells. Add butter; mash until squash is smooth and butter is completely melted. Spoon into squash shells; place on baking sheet. Sprinkle with sugar; top with marshmallows.
Bake 12 to 15 min. or until squash are heated through and marshmallows are lightly browned.