september 28- october 4, 2014
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market is steady overall. Supplies are still on the lighter side, but demand is also down a little. We have seen a wide range in quality; overall quality has improved.
California romaine market is stronger by a few dollars. We are seeing a wide range on both cost and quality. Green and Red leaf are steady. Quality has been fair to good with romaine showing fringe/tip burn.
Broccoli market is steady at higher levels. Some shippers seem to be ok on supplies, and others are sold out and cutting orders. Overall, product is short. Quality has been good on arrival.
The cauliflower market is steady to higher this week. Quality has been good.
Carrot market has remained steady for this week with good product coming out of Canada.
The Celery market is steady to up a little depending on shipper. Quality has been good overall.
Strawberry market remains very tight. Shippers have only a small amount of fruit that they are able to ship and make good delivery. Some shippers are not willing to risk sending fruit to the East coast and are declining orders. Quality has been only fair, and we are seeing some minor to extensive bruising and the occasional moldy berry on inbound.
Market on new crop Norkotahs continues to remain steady, however trucks are extremely short and freight rates are up. It is taking 3-5 days from time of order placement to get a truck loaded and on the road.
The market has come off a little this week on onions. Idaho has started this week and quality is very nice. Again, trucks are the issue and rates are up.
The Lemon market continues to remain strong, but we are seeing signs that it will come off. Chile has finished, and the last arrivals were really poor quality. We are seeing product loosen up slightly and there seems to be better availability from Mexico and to lesser extent California. Orange market is steady overall, but higher on small fruit which is available in limited supplies. Quality has been fair to good on oranges. Lime market is steady with good arrivals.
With New Jersey winding down and Michigan about done, the market has turned up. Quality has been fair to very nice. Georgia is starting in a small way.
Pepper market is also a little stronger with limited supplies from Michigan and New Jersey.
Tomato market on rounds is steady. Overall, quality has been good. Roma market is steady at higher levels. Grapes and cherries are steady, but will likely move higher over the next week.
Feature of the Week
This week Primo is featuring apples. Apples are an excellent source of fiber and are fat, cholesterol and sodium free. Apple varieties range in size from a little larger than a cherry to as large as a grapefruit. The average U.S. consumer eats an estimated 45 pounds of apples a year!
Recipe of the Week
Baked Apples
Wash and Core 3 to 4 Large Apples
Mix the following in a bowl
1/2 C. Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Flour
1 tsp. Cinnamon
Fill each Apple with this mixture on the inside, don’t worry it will melt down a lot during the baking process.
Place 1 Tbsp. of Butter on top of each Apple.
Add 1/3 C. of Boiling Water to the bottom of your pan and cover tightly.
Bake at 350 Degrees for 45 minutes.
Serve Warm alone or with Ice Cream!